Supreme clientele book sample
Supreme clientele book sample

In a few words Ghost lets us know his lyrics represent the second coming of Christ. “Wooly Hair, eyes fiery red, feet made of brass/ġ2 Men following me, it be the God Staff.” These rhymes taken from ‘Mighty Healthy can hopefully illustrate the genius of this album. “Supreme Clientele” is what Stream Of Consciousness feels and sounds like in Rap format.Īt first blush, the rhymes seem incoherent but there’s actually a lot going on. Stream of Consciousness was made famous by the Irish Author James Joyce in his masterpiece “Ulysses”.

supreme clientele book sample

In literary criticism, stream of consciousness, also known as interior monologue, is a narrative mode that depicts thoughts and feelings in realtime as they float in and out of the mind. To grasp the lyrical Wizardy Ghost is displaying on Supreme Clientele we need to go back to the literary concept of “Stream of Consciousness”.

supreme clientele book sample

I couldn’t have said it any better, and therein lies the Genius of this album because it rewards the attentive listener. “This is where Ghostface starting to get real poetic and say the most random stuff (but sounding so ill at it), lots of his rhymes don’t make much sense but he’s so confident with his rapping that he makes it look like he’s got his own language….” So listening to it for the first or even multiple times you can literally scratch your head. No high minded Social awareness or even obvious punchline rapping is apparent. Its difficult to explain why Supreme Clientele deserves its cult classic status because on the surface this album’s lyrics sound meaningless.

Supreme clientele book sample